lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

VISION – MISSION - OBJETIVES (versión en ingles)



Civil Association Colegiales Neighborhood is a neighborhood association nonprofit dedicated to  improve the quality of life for its residents, through solving problems of insecurity, neighborhood maintenance, deficiencies and / or failures in education and    culture, neighborhood identity, social education for democracy, unemployment and participation.
The membership of this Association to the Federation of Commerce and Industry of the City of Buenos Aires, (FECOBA) aims to integrate a greater number of merchants, industrialists and professionals in the neighborhood, which will benefit directly by the actions that FECOBA , (Federación de Comercio de Industria de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) traditionally held in the City.


Our vision is to integrate the different actors in the neighborhood: merchants, industrialists and professionals in order to built a neighborhood whose members participate in a coordinated way, to transform people into citizens, preserve and transmit the values ​​that make the "middle class" : education through school and family, prosperity and progress through work, quality training for a better employability, respect for life itself and for others, social awareness which leads to a better quality of life.

”in support of retail and neighborhood.

Why strengthen our open air mall?

The 80 % of our merchants live and work in our neighborhood. The 15% of them are the second generation living in our neighborhood, they love it and they are willing of participate. The retail commerce is a great tool of communication of our activities.


● Integrate retail, professional, industrial and neighbors on the same objectives
● Building the tourist and commercial hub Colegiales - Palermo neighborhoods
● Implement a trade school in the district, aimed at the industry.
● Provide training in the area of ​​marketing plans and cooperative assistance
● Expand and improve the existing job market
● Support youth annual projects
● Grouping women's organizations working in the neighborhood on common goals.
● Participate in Buenos Aires Government maintaining programs ,its control and monitoring
● Contribute to the design and implementation of crime prevention plans in the neighborhood.


We lead by example
We work together
We respect people
We analyze the facts and offer our opinion
We communicate honestly and openly
We are committed to the community

But mainly, we act with integrity for a better quality of life for our neighbors.


"For a better quality of life for our neighborhood "

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